Saturday, April 14, 2007

Wild Goose Chase

What an adventure! I'm calling that because I could just as easily get really frustrated and curse the whole trip...but what can you do?

Last week, Lisette had found some information through the Embassy about a creative writing workshop. Emails were shared and things looked good to go for this afternoon. We had the address, we had the time, we had the day.

Last night I checked my brain AKA the calendar, for any events for today (Saturday). I was delighted to see we had none! A relaxing day! Silly me!!

This morning I picked up the girls from their respective sleepovers and then zipped Nicole over to her (surprise to me!) soccer game just before noon. Things were going smoothly.

Then my friend called and in the conversation, she reminded me that Jake was supposed to go to a birthday party this afternoon at 4. Okay, we can handle that. Gift, big deal.

Lisette chose to remind me early (12 - bless her!) about the writing class. Okay, gift/writing class/party. Got it! Ooops, gotta pick up Nicole somewhere in there too! Where did the relaxing day go???

So Jake, John, Lisette, Lilian and I piled in the car around 12:30. We dropped off Lilian off at the train station, dropped J & J off at the toy store and drove around looking for a parking spot. Found one! J & J find/buy/wrap gift and off we go to the writing class.

It took an hour and a half just to get to the part of town the class was!!! Brutal traffic! By the time we got there (around 2:15) we were hungry and rather cranky. We found the cafe then headed to a nearby restaurant for lunch.

The class was supposed to start at 3. No one showed up. Nicole had called at 3 looking for a ride home. We told her she was about an hour away and to get comfortable. She got cranky, she was lucky to not be within striking distance of me!

Food was comforting. John napped on the ride home. We picked up Nicole, drove home and then John took Jake to the party. I took 800mg of Motrin.

I'm afraid we're already planning to skip church tomorrow. Nothing's on the calendar and we're trying to keep it that way!!!

Here's to a relaxing day - tomorrow!

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