Thursday, April 19, 2007

Don't Leave Me Sunshine!!

No matter how hard I plead...looks like there are clouds in my future! But today, today was beautiful!!

The sun was shining and nary a cloud in the beautiful blue sky. According to the Weather Channel website, it's supposed to rain for the next five days. Such a bummer. But wait, it was sunny and gorgeous today!!

The girls had soccer practice after school while Jake and I had Spanish lessons. Again, all my teacher and I did was talk, again mostly in Spanish. We talked a lot about the Virginia Tech shootings then about life in general.

After picking up and delivering the girls home from practice, I announced we needed to walk to a restaurant for dinner. With the nasty weather on the horizon I was anxious to enjoy the clear, warm weather while we could. The kids bowed out - homework and such - so John and I headed down the street.

We returned to the restaurant we had enjoyed so much at lunch a few days ago. It proved a good choice for dinner too! This time, two excellent steaks, two BIG glasses of wine and a Diet Coke - $35 with tip. We had considered ordering a whole bottle of wine, I'm glad we didn't because the amount of wine in our glasses had to be close to a full bottle. Another lovely bonus of walking to dinner - no need for a DD.

I miss spring, we've gone from winter to summer to fall. Very strange and kind of sad. It's weird to be in April, preparing to air out the winter clothes and put away the sleeveless shirts. Today was a typical spring day but in reality it was a typical Indian summer day. How messed up am I going to be for the next three years??

Time to cuddle my husband while I listen to the clouds being blown in. That's not so bad! :-)

Happy Birthday, dear sweet Aunt Marilee!! Besitos!!!

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