Friday, April 20, 2007

School Day

John and I visited the kids' school twice today. First, this morning was Student Led Conferences with Jake. He showed us his work and played tour guide to some of his outside classes (art, music, Spanish). Then John had to head to school himself.

Jake and I went out for lunch then did some grocery shopping. On our way home, we stopped at a Kiosko and Jake bought some Yu-Gi-Oh cards. Much to his delight, there was some super important card in the decks that he bought! Oh joy, oh bliss! Well, he was really excited! Lilian and I just chuckled and shrugged.

At the end of school, John and I headed back and met Lisette with her guidance counselor to plan out her classes for the last two years of high school. Gulp! That's even hard to write much less think about! Her counselor is outstanding, very much on top of what needs to be done and had some excellent suggestions.

Dinner was out for the five of us but Lisette met some friends at another restaurant. Nicole, Jake, John and I had a delicious supper and the timing was right to swing by and pick up Lisette on the way home.

Now, the boys and Lisette are watching TV, Nicole is IMing friends (educated guess) up in the attic. I'm ready for bed.

BTW, it rained off and on today - nothing too disruptive and nothing dismal!! Yeah!!

1 comment:

patsyrose said...

What I love most about the dynamics in your family is that you always carry on as a close, involved unit. You and John have got it right and your children are benefiting more than they'll ever know.