Friday, April 13, 2007

Guacamole Friday

There was a huge pile of guacamole on our lawn today - unfortunately it was an inside job...seems Buddy has been eating the fallen fruit of our avocado tree. Avocado doesn't agree with him. I'm just glad it wasn't in the house!

John and I met with Jake's teacher today. She's not too concerned with his behaviour but wants to make sure we keep the communication lines open about it. We didn't learn much that we didn't already know but it is nice to know she's keeping a close eye on him!

Lunch was a walk away - another cafe close by. It was really good and really nice! We agreed that it was somewhere we'll have to try again! Somehow the fact that they served us a liqueur with the bread basket elevated them considerably. :-)

Jake had tennis after school, Lisette had play practice and Nicole had to organize her social life for the weekend.

Tonight, we dropped Lisette off at a sleepover then Nicole at a sleepover. I had dinner at an excellent restaurant with my two favourite men.

Thankfully, Buddy seems to have recovered from his bout with guacamole-enteritis. Hopefully there will be no further reports on his digestive system products!

Happy Fin de Semana!

1 comment:

Kim said...

Just another day in the life leave me breathless.
Hugs & kisses to all.