Saturday, April 28, 2007

Another Busy Day

Our landlord came over last night and started our "furnace" so we all went to sleep cozy as bugs in a rug. Then the alarm went off at 6 AM.

Seems we had a Carbon Monoxide monitor a little too close to the gas furnace. John finally came down and solved the beeping mystery (take that meaning as you will) but I was already emptying the dishwasher, too awake to head back to bed just yet.

I finally returned to bed and slept until 11. Not such a good idea - we had a busy day scheduled. Thankfully Lilian was here today so cleaning wasn't on my agenda.

John made bacon and eggs, I made the coffee and toast. Shortly after scarfing down our late breakfast, I needed to scoot Nicole to school for her to head to her soccer game. Lisette and I then headed to the mall for winter coats as I had promised. Meanwhile, John took Jake for a tour of last night's ship.

Lisette and I had a wonderful lunch at the mall, found jackets for her, me and Nicole! Then spent another hour fighting our way through the supermarket...have I mentioned what a madhouse that place is on a weekend??

We arrived home, emptied the car and the door bell rang. Our first guests had arrived! We had good friends over for dinner - BBQ steaks, salad and fries...nothing fancy. Dessert was store bought and delicious! The wine wasn't bad either!

Unfortunately we had to escort everyone out the door early - as pre-planned we had to cut the party short to head to the school for Lisette's choir concert. We kept Jake's buddy with us and got to the school just in time. The concert was great and Lisette was wonderful, as usual!

Back home we all trucked in then I took Nicole and a friend to a get of my crazy drives as I had to go to Plan B finding this house! For those of you familiar with my driving techniques - when we finally arrived (completely unscathed!!), I told Nicole's friend I hoped his life had only flashed before his eyes once. :-)

So now the boys (two small, one large) are watching "Cars" and the aura of testosterone is rampant.

I'll be heading to pick up Nicole in another 30 minutes - I promise to drive safe....r!


patsyrose said...

I think you should slow down and smell the roses instead of burning tires.

Shelley said...

It's keeping up with these busy kids of ours!!
Today, I'm smelling the roses! :-)