Thursday, April 12, 2007

Spouse Lunch

This morning I balanced the checkbook and did my Spanish homework (early - kind of!) after taking a shower, getting the kids off to school, sending the dog on his walk - my usual morning routine.

This afternoon, I attended a lunch that was in honour of the Southern Command admiral's wife - an exceptionally nice lady. It was held at John's boss's house - his wife is also an exceptionally nice lady! We had a great chat before lunch was served, the food was delicious and the discussion at the table was lighthearted but we discussed quality of life issues here as well. Language instruction was one of the big ones, plus cost of housing/living. The rental prices here are skyrocketing even higher and they are already outrageous!

I got back in time for my Spanish lesson. We spent the entire class just chatting but mostly in Spanish!! That was pretty cool!

Jake had his class next...I zipped Lilian to the train station then to the bank so I could pay our tutor!

Italian style chicken for dinner was enjoyed by all. We've been pretty consistent with eating dinner at the dinner table. It really is fun to spend time talking as a family. All the books say it's important but I just love to "catch up" with everyone.

Bedtime for the little guy and cuddle time for me and my big guy!

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