Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Soccer Game #1


The first half was scoreless. We were concerned that the girls had underestimated the other team. The weather was nasty, rainy and a bit of a cool breeze. They started the game with a bang but then started to fizzle out. Neither of the girls started but Nicole was substituted in with about 10 minutes to go. She almost scored with a nice header but it was right to the goalie.

About 15 minutes into the second half there was a flurry of activity in front of the other team's goal and Nicole managed to nudge the ball in!! Go Nicole!!

Unfortunately the other team scored a few minutes later with a long ball that bounced up and over our goalie's head. What I noticed was that instead of losing steam over the set back, our team got aggressive. They were obviously a better team and now they needed to show it with the ball in the net.

They had so many close calls, so many opportunities, they just needed to keep at it. With about five minutes left in the game Nicole found herself one on one with the goalie right in front of the net. My girl popped it right past her! Screaming, cheering, singing arose from the stands around me!! Gotta love a soccer game in front of an Argentinean crowd!!!

Final score: 2-1

W 1 L 0

To be continued...

Getting in Our Groove

John used to travel for work a great deal. Since he's "just a student" here, we've had the pleasure of his company basically since last December. It's been great!! Last night he had to go on a short trip and it's so weird. Finding the groove had been easy but last night I couldn't sleep, mind you the beautiful but voluble nightingale didn't help. Jake welled up when he found out Daddy was leaving for a few days...we're not used to it anymore!

But anyway, Happy Halloween!! Jake is a Transformer/Phantom of the Opera...he wants to wear his Transformer costume at school and be the Phantom for Trick or Treating. We'll see about the Phantom. Although his Transformer costume ended up being too small...I'm not sure if there's a flood in the movie but Jake would be prepared if there was.

Lisette went as a Wench. Hmmmm. Nicole went as herself (she's such a Superstar!) Their soccer tournament starts today and we're hosting a girl from one of the other teams starting tonight. I'll keep you updated!

Tuesday, October 30, 2007


Mine aren't in order. I'm not sure my ducks have what it takes to ever be in order! There are times when I think they're close but then they waddle off in another direction entirely!

Such is life when you live like a gypsy. Have I mentioned how gorgeous Argentina is in the spring? That's the sort of thing that makes dealing with those wacky ducks worthwhile!

Each and every time I open our front gate I am overwhelmed by the smell of the honeysuckle that arches over it. What a great way to greet the person on the other side of that gate! It's a "pick me up" that brings a smile to my face as I open the door to our home. Very cool.

Yesterday I ran errands at the Embassy and had lunch with my dear Mary. We chatted over tostados (Kim - you know what those are!!) and tarta del espinaca (spinach quiche)(sp?) but were unable to solve the world's problems. We didn't care! Our ducks aren't in a row, why should anyone else's be?

Dinner was pork chops and fresh asparagus (parents) and rice (kids) but I forgot to mention the dessert so we skipped it. Oops. What they don't know...will be eaten later today!

Sunday, October 28, 2007


I'm trying to prepare us for our move in December. Finding a house, finding it in a good school area, figuring out how long it will take to get to work, figuring out where Jake will need to be for before/after school care. It's driving me a little batty. Our "fall back" house has been rented. Say a prayer for us please!!

Nicole is now feeling under the weather, however when I peeked into her room she was too busy listening to whoever was on her cell phone to talk to me. Hmmmm. She looked much better than she did last night. Hopefully this is just a short-term version of what Carmen/John/Kim and I had!!

John and Jake have gone to play tennis - the weather is stunning, sunny and warm!

Last night John, Lisette and I watched "Interview with a Vampire" - according to Spanish Direct TV it was called "Interview whit the Vampire" - either way, it was cool. Halloween doesn't do anything for me but the movie got me more in the mood for ghosts and goblins!

I'm still trying to decide whether to have Jake Trick or Treat in our neighbourhood with the other expats or head to the Embassy...I think the neighbourhood is going to win this important battle - less time consuming! Argentineans don't really celebrate All Hallows Eve so we're dependent on those crazy North Americans!

Saturday, October 27, 2007


I'm up at 7 AM on a Saturday. Definitely not typical Shelley behaviour! Jake has a friend over and that means Jake had questions at 6:30 AM. Once I'm woken up I have a horrible time falling back asleep. So here I am. However, the sun is shining and the boys are now up in the attic so it's nice and quiet and pretty around here!!

Lilian got worse yesterday so I was sans a maid. I just hope her husband and her little guy escape the wrath of this bug!

Jake was up yesterday morning, tapping me on the shoulder at some God-awful hour because he had a bad nosebleed. I came downstairs and put some ice on the back of his neck (causes a vagal response that stops the bleeding within seconds!) and helped him clean up the amazing amount of blood he loses with these things.

I stayed home yesterday and cleaned the house. John went to the Embassy to get some paperwork done. Mary came over with the boys (mine included) after school and we finally had the time to chat and catch up! Beer was included in our "Mommy time" - we finished off the last bottle of beer Juan and Carmen had grown fond of down here. Good excuse, right? She stuck around with her boys for Chinese food delivery dinner then took little Thaddeus home and let us keep her Jake for the night.

Bedtime for me was right after I tucked the boys in. Unfortunately, John had told them they could stay up until midnight so it was a late night for me too. I managed to convince them to get to bed closer to 11:30 so it wasn't too bad!!

Have a beautiful Saturday!!

Thursday, October 25, 2007

New Family Member!

Congratulations to cousin Adam and his beautiful wife Yvonne - this evening they welcomed their first (of many, I hope!) baby, the lovely Miss Avery Lynn into the world! How cool! How exciting! How wonderful!!!! Very best wishes to the new family!!

I went to a spouses' coffee this morning. The fellowship was great and the program was outstanding! We learned about Mate Tea. It's a very Argentinean thing and I thought I already knew a fair bit about it but was I wrong!! I was. In Europe, it's considered "Jesuit Tea" because the Jesuit Missionaries all came back from Argentina drinking it. There's a whole process - physical and traditional - in creating, serving and drinking the tea. Here's some of what I learned today...

1. There is traditionally at least two kinds of Mate cups - one for bitter and one for sweet tea.
2. The servador/servadora is the name of the "Keeper of the Mate" who serves (go figure!) everyone else.
3. You never boil the water for Mate.
4. You add cool water first - this is then sucked up and spit out (they skipped actually doing the spitting today!)
5. There's a whole lot of Mate tea in those cups! They're filled 3/4 full each time!
6. NEVER move the Mate spoon (the Bombilla) - this is highly insulting to the servador/servadora!!
7. Say "Gracias" when you don't want anymore (this shouldn't be done until you've drank at least once though!)

There - now you know what I didn't know. Unfortunately, you may not know what I DID know so...oh well! :-)

My early, early morning started with a flood in the laundry room. Sigh. Thankfully John wasn't at school yet and was able to call the washing machine guy. It was fixed all up this afternoon. Yeah!

Lilian came to work but I encouraged her to chill (like I could actually say "chill" in Spanish but that was basically what I told her!) I ended up driving her to the train station in the middle of the afternoon - sending her home. She seemed to be relatively fine, just looked tired but this bug is nasty and I don't want her getting worse.

This evening I went to the dermatologist and had some spots fried on my face...ouch. Nothing cancerous but John was adamant that I have someone check them out. He's a worry wart!

As I came into the house after picking up the girls, Jake informed me that my sister had called and left a message that I should call my mom. Never a good sign. Just as I picked up the phone, it rang. Kim was in a car accident...on TUESDAY!!!!!!!! Obviously, she's not mortally wounded or this would be much higher on my "report" for the day. Her right foot is badly broken - they initially warned her that she might lose it but it's looking much, much better and appears that amputation is no longer a threat. She will need surgery, most likely next week. She was most happy that they finally let her eat this evening...they'd been holding off in case she needed to go into surgery sooner. Plus the pain is now under control. Assuming (please God) that Kim's going to be just fine (and soon!), I'm now going to make this about me. Why, why, why didn't I get a call until 48+ hours after the fact?????? I'm 43 years old. I'm a big girl. I handle emergencies exceptionally well. Where's the good reason to wait??? Can you tell this totally pisses me off??? What really pisses me off is that I've repeatedly told my family (and John's BTW) - do NOT wait...I don't care if you "don't want me to worry"...I don't care if you think "there's nothing she can do anyway" - CALL ME!!! Can I make it clearer? Honestly, I feel like this is a way to punish us for being so far away. It truly feels that way. Yeah, I'm pissed.

Okay, now I'll go watch something mindless on TV and try to decompress. Stay safe, I love you and call me if someone I love is hurt...grrrrr. :-)

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Perfect Weather

Sunny, warm with fragrant cool breezes now and then. It's picture perfect outside and although I completely appreciate it, this bug isn't letting me enjoy it to its fullest.

John and I both woke up with sore throats again. I skipped my appointed time at the gym...shame, shame! I don't dare take this nasty bug straight on - hey, maybe I should. Nope, I'm officially scared of it! Ha!

John did the taxi service for the kids this afternoon while I cooked up that chicken from last night. Roasted chicken, yum yum!

If we're feeling okay, John and I are going to visit some polling stations here on Sunday. The Embassy was looking for volunteers...even poorly Spanish speaking ones. I fit that bill! It's a national election so should be interesting! I've never been to a foreign polling station! Wow! I feel like Jimmy Carter, but not so old and grumpy. Well, maybe grumpy but just lately! LOL

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Still Virus-Bound

This bug is nasty!! It's wearing me out. John's exhausted too. Plus it's making us both a little on the grumpy side! :-)

Lilian was off sick today so I cleaned up, did the dishes and then kept up with the laundry all day today. I managed to get some work done on our house hunting too. I was up at 7 with the kids but by 1:30 I needed a nap. It was tough just getting up the stairs. Nasty bug!!

Seems I have an infection in my tear duct too. The wonderful doctor/landlord brought me over a prescription when we found out eye antibiotics are not over the counter like other antibiotics. That made me cranky too. We also picked up some cream for a rash I've had on my leg for a month...yes, I'm falling apart.

I was about to make some baked chicken for dinner when John suggested we go out. Twist my arm!! The girls had soccer and when I picked them up they turned down the dinner invite. Pasta for them!! Jake chose to stay home too but we did bring him home some ribs - just 'cause!

Now I'm going to climb into my pj's and veg in front of the TV for another hour before grumbling my way into bed. Sucks to be John!! :-)

Monday, October 22, 2007

Monday News

Kim arrived home safe and sound!! Under the weather, delayed flights but home safe!

I think we've officially infected poor Lilian. I sent her home with throat lozenges and don't expect to see her tomorrow. :-(

We had a family come and check out the house as possible future renters. Extremely nice couple but we're worried they won't fit into the house...three children plus a set of grandparents. I think I want to sell them on Lilian though!!

Jake had his once a month trip to McDonald's tonight. Actually, it was brought to him by the girls and I but he got his Happy Meal! The American Empire is here and strong!! John always jokes that the sign of the "Empire" is McDonald's. It's all over the world. :-)

The girls have been studying for their math test tomorrow, at least Lisette has been - Nicole has been MIA most of the evening but they were talking math on the way home from McDonald's. Wish them lots of Algebra-luck!!

Homeward Bound

Kim's on her way home. :-( Hopefully we sent her on her way with lots of good memories and a decent taste of Argentina. Unfortunately, we also sent her home with our germs. Good luck with that Hamilton!

I sent Jake to school with some wise words...don't let them get to you. He had his haircut on Friday and he's none too happy about it! As usual, he lost more than he wanted to. We all agree that he looks very handsome but he doesn't have long hair anymore. Poor little guy!

So now the house feels very quiet! Just Buddy and I. I didn't get to bed until almost 1 so I'm considering a return to the sack but not quite sure about that. The quiet is peaceful but a little sad. Relaxing but a little empty. It feels like Monday! :-)

Friday, October 19, 2007

Bad Blogger!

I've been remiss this week big time!! I hit 200 blogs and then fizzled out! Well, I was sick and Kimmy's visiting, good excuse!

We hit La Boca Wednesday, John and I ran off for the night and then last night the high school had an "MTV Night" which starred a live performance (lip-synched) of Lisette working her Pat Benatar moves. Then we went to the mile-high ice cream shop for dinner...kinda dinner.

Today was a day off of school so Kim and I went strolling and shopping with Jake and Nicole. John stayed home to curse at the Internet. Lisette stayed home to chill. She's been so active over the last few weeks, she may crash herself if she doesn't get some down time.

Speaking of, the girls are now at school for a soccer game. Babysitting for Lisette tonight. Kim's already mellowing with Actifed. Poor boo! :-(

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Recovering Nicely

Feeling much better this morning!

Happy Birthday to my Knight In Shining Armour!!!! It's the big 40-5 for my sweetheart and he still takes my breath away. Here's to him having a breath-taking day!!

Sunday, October 14, 2007


I've been hit bad. The beauty of cold medicine is it makes you sleep. It dries you up and knocks you out. The problem with cold medicine is it provides rest when you may not necessarily want to sleep, hence I'm wide awake at 1 AM. But at least I'm feeling a little better from all of my sleep!

Kim went with the girls to the big Hippie Fair downtown today while John had some Father/Son time with Jake at an amusement shop at the mall. I slept. Then they all went out for dinner. I slept. First I was all congested, then I had a fever, then I took a cold medicine then I took some Tylenol - boy did I sleep.

The Hippie Fair was a big success, lots of goodies made their way home with the ladies. I was treated to a show and tell when they got back - they really did good.

Now my latest cold medicine is starting to kick in - see you on the flip side!!

Saturday, October 13, 2007

We Share Too Much!

John's given me his sore throat. I didn't want it but he insisted! I spent the day mostly in bed yesterday and then watched "Pride and Prejudice" with Kim and Lisette. Yes, we initiated her into our cult. Seems her mind is stronger than ours though, she liked it but didn't LOVE it. Didn't "drink the koolaid" - too bad! :-)

Today I slept in and felt a little better but the virus has ventured into my lungs a bit. I took my Motrin, ate my chicken soup and drank my gallon of water. "Tour guide Shelley" now needs a nap!

Maybe we'll tie Kim to a chair and make her watch the six-hour long A&E version of P&P! For now she's going to go to the Hippie Fair with Lisette when the girls get back from soccer practice.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Baby Steps

I'm so proud of my "Baby" (in Spanish) sister!! She meandered around the shopping district while I had a mani/pedi - even buying a jacket all in Spanish!!! Luckily she also ran into a few shopkeepers who spoke English but she was brave enough to venture out on her own! Yeah Kim!!!

Unfortunately, I'd forgotten I had a pedicure appointment too and wore the wrong shoes. No open toes for me until I get a new paint job! Yup, yup, more of that life of leisure!!

Kim and I had lunch out which she ordered for herself - in Spanish!! Then back home where I finally got my luggage unpacked. I decided I should pack up my winter clothes while I as at it so there was a heap of clothing on my bed when Lilian finished the laundry. That included washing our sheets which she somehow managed to make our bed with - heap of clothing in the way and all!! She blows me away sometimes!! Aside - she's still no Kathy though!!!! ;-) Love ya Kathy!!

I baked up some frozen pizzas for the kids because I had a dinner date invitation for Kim and I. John had texted me that he wanted to go to our favourite Italian place for dinner. Works for me! He's obviously feeling better too. So off we went. It wasn't the chef's best night unfortunately but it was still pretty good.

Now it's raining and we've tucked Jake into bed...I'm going to go join my hubby and my sister to chill in front of the mind-sucking-orb we call a TV.


Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Busy Bees

Kim and I have been getting around! I'm teaching her (Ha!) how to live a life of leisure! Yesterday we had facials and she had her hair coloured and cut - she looks mahvelous darling!

We went downtown and had coffee/tostados (sandwiches) before hitting the Galeria Pacifico for a bit of shopping. She found a few things - me, nothing...again! She bought a jacket (it was freezing and she had short sleeves on!) and a very cool watch. Then we caught up with John at the Embassy and brought him home with us.

She went with me to pick up Jake/check out the school a little. Lilian made us a delicious steak dinner with curried rice....yum, yum! The girls had play rehearsal so we all dug in as soon as they got home.

Tonight we wept through laughing so hard at our ridiculous jokes...we were watching a Discovery Channel program about dam building. We got a lot stupid but (dam) fuuuuunny! John gave up on us finally and headed to bed. We dried our laughter-tears and stopped before Jake picked up some very bad habits. :-)


Monday, October 8, 2007

Blog 200!!

Wow! That's a lot of blogs!

John is sick, sick, sick. He stayed home from school and slept and coughed and then hung out on the coach. Not much fun, for him or us. Poor baby!

Kim and I went out for coffee and spent a few hours walking around the local shopping district. She bought a few things but I didn't find anything I had to have. Bummer.

We made spaghetti with homemade sauce for dinner, Caprese salad and garlic butter for some fresh rolls. Lilian had made a chocolate cake (at Nicole's request) so it was a delicious, full meal!

The expected rain has arrived so our satellite is out just as Kim and I were settling into her first episode of "House"...another bummer. Thankfully we have some good books to turn to.

Off I go to my excellent book "Eat, Pray, Love" (thank you for the suggestion Cuqui!!!) and to cuddle with my poor sick sweetheart!

Sunday, October 7, 2007

I'm Back!

We were off to the Virginia house hunting and interviewing last week. Not a whole lot of luck with the house hunting but we're hired! It's official, we're going to Bolivia!

The kids stayed with friends and seemed to have a great time away from us...we missed each other but happily survived the time apart. John has a terrible bout of bronchitis with possibly some strep thrown in too. I took him to a clinic yesterday and got him started on antibiotics.

The really good news is that Kim flew back down here with us!! She's here for a few weeks so my "Tour Guide Shelley" hat is back squarely on my head. :-)

Keep John in your prayers, he's struggling with this illness - it's kicking his butt. It's good to be home at least, easier for him to relax.

Monday, October 1, 2007

Springtime Rain

Yesterday was utterly gorgeous! The honeysuckle was blooming at full blast and the scent was completely intoxicating!! We still didn't have water pressure upstairs so the smell of honeysuckle was a blessing (no showers for anyone!)

Last night the thunderstorms rolled in. I love thunderstorms. After a few days of perfect weather a rainy, stormy day is joyful. My day was spent on the phone organizing our house hunting days. It's time consuming!

Lisette called this morning to tell me she got the part of Amneris in "Aida" - she was really disappointed initially that she didn't get the lead but is already excited about playing this part! I love her attitude!! Supposedly Amneris has more of a fun/sassy personality that Aida...and therefore it's more likely to be fun to play! Works for me! :-)

Dinner was Cuban in style - black beans (home made, thank you), white rice and pork (chops...shhhh) Delicious!!