Sunday, October 14, 2007


I've been hit bad. The beauty of cold medicine is it makes you sleep. It dries you up and knocks you out. The problem with cold medicine is it provides rest when you may not necessarily want to sleep, hence I'm wide awake at 1 AM. But at least I'm feeling a little better from all of my sleep!

Kim went with the girls to the big Hippie Fair downtown today while John had some Father/Son time with Jake at an amusement shop at the mall. I slept. Then they all went out for dinner. I slept. First I was all congested, then I had a fever, then I took a cold medicine then I took some Tylenol - boy did I sleep.

The Hippie Fair was a big success, lots of goodies made their way home with the ladies. I was treated to a show and tell when they got back - they really did good.

Now my latest cold medicine is starting to kick in - see you on the flip side!!

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