Monday, October 1, 2007

Springtime Rain

Yesterday was utterly gorgeous! The honeysuckle was blooming at full blast and the scent was completely intoxicating!! We still didn't have water pressure upstairs so the smell of honeysuckle was a blessing (no showers for anyone!)

Last night the thunderstorms rolled in. I love thunderstorms. After a few days of perfect weather a rainy, stormy day is joyful. My day was spent on the phone organizing our house hunting days. It's time consuming!

Lisette called this morning to tell me she got the part of Amneris in "Aida" - she was really disappointed initially that she didn't get the lead but is already excited about playing this part! I love her attitude!! Supposedly Amneris has more of a fun/sassy personality that Aida...and therefore it's more likely to be fun to play! Works for me! :-)

Dinner was Cuban in style - black beans (home made, thank you), white rice and pork (chops...shhhh) Delicious!!

1 comment:

Kim said...

Safe travels, see you in Atlanta