Friday, May 4, 2007

Well Rested But Now I Need a Nap!

After all that sleep yesterday, I was feeling all energized this morning!

Nicole went to school cutely braided, then off to shower I went. Sent Buddy off for a bath - oops, just remembered I forgot to go to the shop to pay for it! He was delivered, mostly dry and smelling like flowers! He didn't seem impressed but I was happy!

I scooted a friend over to check on her rental house - they're hoping to FINALLY get out of their hotel after almost four months!! We left her little guy here with Lilian, he cries every time he has to head back to the hotel, it's so sad!!

John did very well on his test - 10 out of 10...very proud of my guy! He celebrated by picking up Jake early and heading to see Spiderman 3. They both really liked it but it ended up being too violent for Jake. Ooops. Messing up our kids again...sigh.

Nicole went to a sleepover. I spent three hours trying to figure out our cell phone bills. They will be the death of me - this cell phone business down here!! I finally figure out that John paid the March bill over the phone on the 29th of March then I paid it again in cash on April 10th. Ahhhhh! I thought we'd paid for my phone a long time ago, but no, we're paying through installments. Yo no hablo espanol!

I need a nap! :-)


Anonymous said...

You never had to worry about John's intelligence. It's that crazy common sense thing. And, as far as your messing your kids up "way to late to worry about that". LOL Love ya

Kim said...

Jake....messed up?....say it isn't so :) :) :) Love ya Jakie!

Kim said...

and...told ya Johny was a keeper!