Thursday, March 8, 2007

Rainy Thursday

We woke up to rain then ran around all day in the rain, now about an hour before sunset - out came the sun! Oh well!

Our dear maid has begun to worry me a bit. They just moved a lot closer to here but that meant having to find other childcare for their little boy. As that is working itself out, she brought him here earlier this week and took today off. Hmmmmmm. Trying to be patient!!

I went to a "Transition Workshop" today through the rain! It was held at the school and was chock full of good info, some of which I could have used a month ago but most of which was still pertinent now. My friend who's still stuck at the hotel came out for lunch with John and I. Through the rain.

After lunch, I dropped off Mary back at the school and then John and I went to get our haircut! Through the rain. We actually ended up getting haircuts at a salon near the house. Most of the stylists were guys...John's cut wasn't what he wanted but mine looks great!!

Back home, through the rain, to get John ready to go to school and to meet Jake from the school bus. They basically were ships passing in the night as John left in his taxi very shortly after Jake got home. John's on his way home now - he had to take some kind of test, drop off paperwork and pick up some homework. School starts for real for him on Monday.

The girls had Talent Show rehearsal today after school. I made pork tenderloin, beans and risotto for dinner. Had a "duh" moment when I read the instructions on the box of risotto. The instructions were in Spanish and called for 650cm3 of cold water. Hmmmmmm. Darn, John has the laptop and I don't know how to convert cm3!!! Eventually it dawned on me that cm3 was the same as a cc. CC is the same as a ml (this is a no-brainer thing for nurses). Duh! I was delighted I'd managed to outsmart those darn Spanish instructions though! The sun came out as the light bulb went off over my head!

Jake's singing in the shower. Lisette's reading (shocking, I know) and Nicole is eating (basically a bottomless pit) so I'm going to jump into my pj's and settle down to finish reading a great book Lisette lent me.

Love to you all!


patsyrose said...

Not having any experience with maids...I do know human nature. This girl will take advantage of you as long as you allow her to. Put a stop to it immediately or fire her. No other alternative.

Kim said...

cm3....never would have figured it out! You have brains too!!!! Oh my God. It reminds me of a new show we have here called "are you as smart as a 5th grader". Pretty interesting! Most people are NOT!