Saturday, September 1, 2007

Half Time on a Saturday

Yesterday I ran around like crazy until around 2 o'clock and then came home with a migraine. Slept/suffered until 6, then it was just a buzz in my head.

The girls all went out with the soccer team last night. John, Jake and I ordered Chinese for dinner then I went to bed around 10 again - definitely not feeling terrific.

This morning I felt much, much better. Got the girls to soccer at 8 then woke the boys up to go to the game at 9:10. We were late because I foolishly told Jake I'd make him French toast and that took longer than we had. Thankfully, the soccer game was on Argentinean time and hadn't even started yet when we rolled in around 9:30.

The girls won! Yeah! It's nice for them to play someone other than adult women, whom they usually get their butts beaten by. They also won their two games yesterday which we missed and Nicole scored in both of those, no goal by our girl.

Now we're home for brunch/lunch and then we'll head back this afternoon to watch Lisette play as Nicole will be at volleyball practice.

Typical Saturday for us - not much rest for the wicked!

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