Monday, September 17, 2007

Still Windy

Now it's raining too.

Carmen, Juan and I went to the mall today. We got Carmen some antibiotics (over the counter here) then picked up some groceries and had them delivered. Score!

We ate a leisurely lunch at a restaurant in the mall and talked and talked and talked. It was wonderful.

Back home I found an email from Cuqui. Michael had sat beside a gentleman on a plane who ended up knowing John. Very cool story! He was blown away that Michael was John's brother, this was shortly after having a philosophical discussion about how he didn't believe that some things were meant to be. LOL Don't you love that?

Dinner was chili with rice and an apple pie (thank you Lilian!) for dessert. Content family, full bellies and now it's bedtime!

1 comment:

patsyrose said...

Just like you travelling from Canada to work in Corpus Christie and John's parents travelling from Cuba to the U.S.A. to birth John...some things are definitely meant to be.