Monday, September 17, 2007

Windy Monday

It rained on Friday then it rained on Saturday then it got really, really windy. No more rain on Sunday but it's still windy this morning.

John and I got back from a lovely weekend in the city yesterday afternoon. Jake had called in the morning, just to check to see when we'd be back...John told him we'd be back in the afternoon, Jake said, "Okay. Bye." All he needed to know, though no one can say Jake is a man of few words, usually!

Carmen seems to have bronchitis so our job today is to get her some antibiotics. The house was really cold when we got back yesterday so John revved up the heater. Hopefully that helped her feel less chilled but she's been sick over a week now - time to bring in the big guns!

Jake couldn't find his jacket when the bus got here this morning so I sent him off into the cold without one! Cruel heartless mom, I know. However, since I know the bus comes around one more time before heading to the school, I threw on some jeans and met it with a coat for him. Poor little guy!

Time for cafe con leche!! Have an awesome day!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

But did you brush his hair?