Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Missing Naptime

I am sooo tired. John sent the kids off to school so I even got to sleep in a little. Then my mean (wonderful) friend Mary woke me up at 8:45 with a reminder that I was to meet her at the gym at 9:30. Grrrrrr. Up I got.

It kicked my butt a little less today but my gluteus maximus is still hurting! And still not the good hurt!

John slept until just before I got back then went to his gym down the street. I showered then huddled around a cup of coffee and avoided using our stairs as much as possible. Good thing there's a bathroom on the main floor. My legs of steel feel more like molten lava.

This afternoon John and I went shopping. Found some items for the Quince then picked up the kids from their various after school activities. Stopped at the house for a few minutes then everyone but Lisette headed back to the shops. John took Jake to pick up his suit for the party from the tailor's while I took Nicole shoe shopping before her dress fitting.

Nicole loves to shop. I hate to shop. Nicole is the pickiest shopper in the world. Grrrrrrr. Actually, I just told her she could shop for shoes with her aunt who's arriving tomorrow. Cuqui loves to shop! BTW, the dress is looking awesome!!

Back home, nap-free and ready to climb into bed at 9 PM. Goodnight!

1 comment:

Kim said...

I always get a giggle out of your need for a nap...until I read your crazy schedule! I need a nap just reading it! Be there in 30 duermos to help!