Monday, September 3, 2007

Hurts So Good

Okay, maybe not so much. I went to the gym today for the first time in a long time. Took a cardio class for the first time in a very long time. Owwww! Motrin is my very best friend.

It was in Spanish too - that was a good excuse for slowing down from time to time - I just didn't understand! :-) Works!

Then I paid bills, met with Jake's school counselor (nothing new, just wanted to touch base after last year's issues), picked up John and we had a late lunch/early dinner.

I lied down when we got home, my stomach was a little upset and my legs were killing me. The Motrin had kicked in but didn't have the staying power (kind of like me in the cardio class!) that I was hoping for.

Made the kids dinner, the girls had soccer/volleyball today. Jake read his Spanish book for homework. Basically a quiet evening.

Now John's on the stationary bike, seems I've inspired him! Yeah!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am glad you are doing these things for yourself. Even though you are a very busy lady it is not very often they are for you. Love ya