Wednesday, August 22, 2007

High School Open House

Busy day!

First, I attended a Spouse Welcome Coffee through the embassy. I played driver, much to the dismay or delight of my passengers - God bless 'em! :-) Italy taught me well to survive the streets of Buenos Aires.

Then I had lunch with a couple of friends before school let out. John, Nicole and I went in search of a Quinceneara dress for Nicole. She found one she liked - $400!!! I'm not sure how accurate that number is to what we can expect at future shops...I'm scared! The good news is she actually liked a dress at the first place we've tried. Nicole is brutally fussy about her clothes. As her party is only a few weeks away, it's crunch time.

This evening we attended the High School Open House. Jake traveled with us from class to class while we listened to each of the girls' teachers explain their expectations for our kids this year. Once again, John and I are so very impressed with the teachers at this school. Not only are they knowledgeable, they're all very enthusiastic about their jobs. You can tell that they love what they do.

The girls helped direct parents to the right rooms and basically hung out with friends while we did the tour. Quote of the day from Jake when we asked if he'd rather stay with his sister than go with us to another classroom - "I'd rather be bored than hang out with my sister in public" - how old is he again???

BTW, we're still freezing. Final tweaks on the heating system is supposed to happen tomorrow morning. Hmmmm. Seems like I've heard that before.

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