Monday, February 12, 2007


Yes! We have approval and a move-in date of Wednesday!

A huge sigh of much as we enjoy the thrill of traveling, it's painful to be without a home!

So this evening, we have been busy packing and repacking boxes we've partially unpacked. Tomorrow morning, we've hired a van to come and pick us up with all our boxes and suitcases. We'll spend tomorrow night in the hotel but we don't want too much to take to the house on Wednesday morning.

Unfortunately, something happened to our Vonage hook-up - the box seems to have burnt out! So we'll need some time to replace it before we'll be able to make/receive calls...I'll keep you posted! I'll also post some more pictures once the house is settled a bit.



Anonymous said...

Sounds like the usual Shelley craziness. I just wonder if Jake is getting his hair brushed before school still? Have a great time for me. Love ya Kathy

Kim said...

This is the coolest format to keep up to date on your hectic existance. I was thrilled to see a comment by Kathy. That reminds me, how will you ever find someone so wonderful? And Kathy, I bet your world is a bit less frantic since these guys left!

Anonymous said...

Ok I think I have dealt with the wrong sister for all these years. It may be less hectic but not as fullfilled. Miss all you guys including Kim.
Love ya Kathy

Shelley said...

Actually Kathy, you have! Kim is not nearly as pathetic as I am! LOL But I love you more!!!! :-)~