Monday, February 19, 2007


Okay, here's one thing that the Argentineans have mastered!

Remember how excited I was that they would deliver the dog food to the hotel? That was such the tip of the iceberg!

In total, today - now, remember that we still do not have a car! - we had ~

Laundry - picked up, will be delivered back to us on Wednesday
Ice Cream - delivered and John says "Heaven!"
Pizza and Empanadas and Drinks - delivered
Groceries - John and I went to the big "WalMart type place", instead of lugging the stuff home in a taxi, our items will be delivered tomorrow morning.

Tomorrow the carpet guy should come and pick up our area rugs to clean and then return. Friday, we rented a movie that they delivered and then picked up from the house. They are all about delivery here, it's simply amazing!

The moving guys were back today, finished moving things up to the attic playroom for us, removed empty boxes/garbage and put together storage shelving as well as our new basketball net.

I'm digging the service!
Oh, and our full-time maid starts on Wednesday!!! Hee Hee


Kim said...

Let the fun begin... hey, do you need a passport to get to where you are?

Anonymous said...

Ok now my feelings are hurt. You do not have to sound so excited about the full time maid. I was still considering the position. Sounds like the kind of life you have always dreamed of LOL. Enjoy Kathy

patsyrose said...

I love you to death, my darlin', but you really do need a maid.

Shelley said...

God knows I need a maid!!! Kathy, you're supposed to just sit around with me, eating bonbons remember?? Kimmy - get your passport baby!!