Thursday, July 26, 2007

Home Away From Home

I arrived yesterday morning - long flight then a shorter one, not too bad. Thank goodness for portable DVD players! On the shorter flight I watched "Wedding Date" and put the subtitles on so the lady sitting beside me could enjoy it too. That way, when I laughed out loud at the funny parts, she would be too. :-)

Kim wanted me to stay at her place so here I am. She's staying so strong and reassured me that she has her falling apart moments. I'm a huge believer that you really need to let yourself do that. My mom picks her up every morning to take her to the hospital, she spends the day and early evening there with David then my mom picks her up and brings her home. Now she'll be coming home to me - I like that!

We've decided that I'll pretty much stay away from the hospital - David's got a loving family so they'll both have plenty, if not too many, visitors. Cindy has been dropping by the hospital every day after work, my mom is there for her every morning/evening and I'll be there for Kim every evening so we're covering as much as we can I think without overwhelming.

David's doing very poorly. I don't think he knew I was there yesterday but the new pain meds seem to be keeping him relatively comfortable. It was a bit of a shock to see him, physically he's changed a great deal from when I last saw him in November. Thankfully my family had prepared me pretty well for the changes.

Thank you for your thoughts and prayers...and please keep sending them!!

Love to all!


Anonymous said...

All I can say is "love all of you"

patsyrose said...

You are a wonderful daughter, sister, wife, mother, and friend. What a great combination!!