Monday, July 23, 2007


Yesterday was fun. We froze our butts off going to another Hippie Fair but we only lasted about 30 minutes. Even a quick trip to a nearby mall didn't warm us up so we headed home.

Nicola did finish the Harry Potter book by about 10:30 yesterday morning, handed it off to Lisette who we didn't see for the remainder of the day then kept absolutely mum about it. The two of them ran off to a room to discuss it when Lisette finally finished last night.

We sat up late and watched the A&E version of "Pride and Prejudice" and decided men really need to start wearing long coats, tall boots and start riding horses again. So romantic! Nicola didn't quite make it to the end before she needed to go to bed but I stayed the course! :-)

As I was closing down the house for the night, I checked my email before turning off the computer. My mom had emailed me that my brother-in-law had taken a turn and was doing very poorly. When you receive news like that, it's amazing how your mind freezes. I woke John up but other than relaying the news, all I could say was "I don't know what to do!" There was a million things I wanted to do but my brain and my heart couldn't slow down to choose. What I chose to do was call my other sister for another report - besides, by then it was 1:30 AM their time and I knew it would give my mom a heart attack if I called her then! Cindy confirmed the news and the freeze continued. I didn't even cry...just ached.

So this morning we made flight arrangements and got some loose ends tied up. This morning, the freeze melted and the tears came in torrents. There will be much more to do before I fly but fly I will. That was the easy decision. So if you don't hear from me for a bit, just keep us all in your prayers, especially Kim and David.

Much Love,


Anonymous said...

Our prayers and thoughts are with you, but so much for Kim and David. Love you guys

patsyrose said...

There is a time for everything and right now is the time for tears. But it's also the time for our family to gather together to give and gain support.

Distance doesn't matter one bit because we knew you were with us in spirit. The fact that you're choosing to make the long trip back to Canada is amazing and shows how strong are the ties you have to your sister.

bluebird of paradise said...

you are such a good sister. love and kisses to you heart is with you all.