Saturday, July 21, 2007

Hippie Fair!

Lisette, Nicola and I headed to the middle of Buenos Aires today, to an area called Recoleta. There is a "Hippie Fair" there every weekend. Lisette and I haven't been since we were first here...if you really want to, you could read about it back in January or February.

We arrived around 11 and found the vendors still opening their stalls so we were grateful for our late start! It was pretty darn chilly and overcast so the more popular the vendor, the more popular they were for us - extra bodies = extra warmth!

Nicola and I both bought mate cups. I've been searching for a nice one and finally found some beautiful ones! I'll try to remember to post a picture of it - it's lovely! We also bought some gorgeous woven scarves, me for me and Nicola for herself plus gifts. She found a few things for her girls and Lisette found a great shirt and some jewelry. Overall very good take.

Lunch was disastrous. It took forever - Nicola is officially calling us "the black hole" at restaurants. This time it was at Hard Rock Cafe. Food was great, service sucked...again.

Back home in time to see kids shuffled around, Jake is sleeping over at a friend's and Nicole is having a friend sleep over.

John, Nicola and I went to the mall (totally!) to grab a bite to eat then watch "Ratatouille" (the second time for me) - it's awesome! Nicole and some girlfriends had gone to see "Transformers" so we timed it so we could bring them home with us.

On our way to the movie theatre, Nicola eyed a bookstore and lo and behold! they had the Harry Potter book - in English! Score! Since I've already ordered two copies, I refrained but Nicola bought a copy and is planning on reading it all night! I'll let you know how that goes! BTW, Lisette has sworn her to secrecy and will surely be waiting with hands out for the book in the morning. :-)

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