Tuesday, November 13, 2007

The Ducks are Back!

I'm still working on getting them in a row. Now I'm starting with the lists. John put some kind of list maker program on my computer but I need to put on my list to find it and learn how to use it. Sigh. :-)

Yesterday was a day of small tasks. Tying up loose ends, making a few phone calls.

Kim is still in the hospital after her surgery. First it was for some excess bleeding from a nicked blood vessel (nothing too great but a tad worrisome) then she had to wait for today (hopefully) for a physical therapy consult before she can head home. They ran out of Percocet on the floor (whaaaaa????) so she was in pain for an excessive amount of time until they could find some. As a nurse, this drives me INSANE. Sigh. :-(

Yesterday afternoon I had a facial - nice! John wasn't answering the house phone when I was done so I decided to walk home. If I'd thought of it before, I would have done it anyway. He thought I was mad because I "had to walk home" but it was a really nice walk and a little bit of exercise too. Bonus! Silly man! He was grumpy from hunger and lack of sleep, while I got to sleep in after the ball...I'd have been grumpy too. LOL

Last night was cuddling with Nicole on the couch watching "House MD" and starting my lists. Oh, and I think we've found our house for next Spring! Once the lease is signed I'll post a picture!

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