Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Closing In

We have a lease in we just need to sign it! The hold off is just until we can word an addendum for renting the house unseen. That's my job this morning.

I was a work horse yesterday. Between finalizing some things for the new rental house, paperwork for registering the kids at the new schools, registering Jake for Before School Care and starting the process for withdrawing them here, I also did some list making for the moves and did some organizing for our trip to Ushuaia later this month. Overall I was really excited about those duckies lining up!

The weather has been so cold here! Hard to believe it's spring until I stand at our gate and smell the honeysuckle. Talk about stopping and smelling the flowers! John's been uptight lately, lots of school work for him, so when I open the gate to let him in every afternoon I've been making him inhale the scent too! It makes him smile unless he's in a hurry to pee! LOL

Kim's finally home from the hospital!! Now she's off her foot for two months and has very strict instructions to watch out for infection from Nurse Shelley!

My incredibly talented cousin Kyran has her second article in Good Housekeeping Magazine this month (I'm guessing it's actually the December issue) - pick up a copy and read her under "Bloggers We Love" - grab a copy for me!

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