Friday, June 8, 2007


Well - Nicole's ceiling fan fried itself but we have heat! Now the toilet in the guest bathroom is leaking. Thank Goodness we have a Feng Shui expert in the house!!

Jake had another temper incident at school during PE. I arranged a meeting with his regular teacher - partly because of this incident but mostly because there's been a little boy harassing him in his Spanish class...just when he's getting on the right path. It was a very productive meeting, seems like the other teachers who only see the kids occasionally are letting this other little boy bug the daylights out of Jake then when Jake finally reacts, he's the one that gets punished. This isn't happening in his regular class but it's happening daily in Spanish and recess.

Last night John, myself, Carmen and Juan met the doc and his wife for dinner. They're vegetarian so we ate at a vegetarian restaurant. The food was delicious but both John and I craved meat! We considered bringing in a steak from the restaurant next door but thought that would be a tad bit rude! LOL

I started feeling worse again last night so went back to bed after getting Jake onto the school bus. An extra three hours sleep helped but I still spent the day on the couch. Vitamins, water and Motrin brought me back to the land of the turning up the heat a little more.

John's parents went back into the city for the weekend. Their conference lasts until Tuesday when we'll get them back again. We'll sneak a visit into see them sometime over the next four days.

Today Jake wasn't bothered at all by the kid, he reported this with awe. Hmmmm. Squeaky parental wheel??

Tonight both the girls had babysitting jobs. We sent Jake with Nicole since she was babysitting his best buddy. John and I went to our favourite dinner spot for a relaxing meal - with meat!!

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