Monday, December 3, 2007

Party was On!

We had a great party yesterday here at the house. It was the final farewell party for John and his classmates. There were about 50 people/children here - the pool was put to good use but there were two when the Venezuelans took over the kitchen and the other when the Mariachi Band showed up! It was awesome! The party lasted from 1-11 PM so both John and I totally dropped last night. We crashed onto the couch and had to put our feet up for 30 minutes before we could even think about heading upstairs to bed. Exhausted but happy.

This morning, Jake woke with a fever so he spent the day with me...just working around the house. Lilian worked here all weekend so she had the day off. I pretty much have everything cleaned up from the party, sent a bunch of dirty towels/clothes to the laundry and filled a basket for John to return forgotten items to his classmates. Our moving company came to do our shipment inspection. The days are counting down. :-(

Tonight we all went out for dinner...laughed and teased our way through a good meal.

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