Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Building Pressure

Moving is tough. The silver lining is that you tend to toss out a lot of things and then when you get to your destination and unpack - it feels kind of like Christmas. In the meantime, I'm starting to stress. So much to do, so much to remember, so much I could screw up. My desk looks like a hurricane hit it but the kitchen is already pretty much separated.

Tomorrow is when the kids have to separate their clothes and belongings - the very idea makes me hyperventilate a little. I've got to do the same thing which means dragging more of my winter clothes out of the attic and making an absolute mess of my bedroom. Not something to look forward to!

Then there's Christmas shopping for the kids. We're (yes, John helped!) basically done for extended family but we've got lots to do for the kids. I have an idea that will simplify things with the girls but Jake is a whole different story. The Internet is great but I'll be losing my computer much sooner than later...AHHH!

Okay, maybe it's time for some wine. Or maybe I should make another list... :-)

1 comment:

Kim said...

I can not even imagine the effort to move as much as you have, you truly are a gypsy. I could never do it. I consider myself pretty organized but I know it is a massive challenge. Wish I was there to help :(