Monday, April 23, 2007


No Cooking Allowed. I did make coffee this morning.

A girlfriend called and invited me for lunch. I accepted and we went to John and my new favourite restaurant - she hadn't been before. We met up with a few other ladies - one planned and one coincidental. One is Canadian and one is Danish! How cool??

Lunch was lovely and John met me in time to walk home together. We stopped at another cafe to pick him up some mini-sandwiches for his lunch.

I had a double Spanish class today because Lisette couldn't be here again for the girls' class. Our teacher doesn't want to get too far ahead with Nicole so we'll wait for Lisette to be here next week.

John picked up Jake then Nicole and I went to get Lisette. We ended up taking one of her friends home too. Came home only to turn around and take Lisette with her Chorus dress to a seamstress to be fitted.

So all that running around made it impossible for me to focus on cooking, soooooo.....Chinese food delivery it is! Yum Yum!

I am so going to the gym tomorrow!


patsyrose said...

You are soooo American!

Kim said...

Love your new look :)

bluebird of paradise said...

did you tell your danish friend , that you were danish? your great great grandparents came from ballerup, just outside copenhagen. they emigrated to "new denmark" new brunswick in 1872. their names were ferdinand and karne johanna nielsen.