Monday, April 16, 2007

Monday, Monday

I'm eating delivery ice's a really, really good thing that sweets aren't my thing. This is good ice cream but I'd rather have french fries with gravy. Weird, huh?

Jake stayed home from school today. He slept in a little and when he did come downstairs, he had the cutest red cheeks! Yup, a temp of 100.9 - Motrin brought it right down and then I couldn't feed him fast enough. He had chocolate pudding for breakfast...then about 11:30 the hunger hit. Two grilled ham/cheese sandwiches, a large bowl of chicken noodle soup with Gatorade and multiple glasses of water mixed with a healthy dose of cartoons and our boy was feeling good.

His fever returned just before dinner so he had Motrin with his pasta.

Nicole and I had our Spanish lessons today. According to John, my Spanish is coming along really well. I tried to pin him down on "really well" but he just kept saying I was doing "excellent" and "really well"...I need my teacher to keep a grade book on me. There's my type A personality shining through!

Lisette started a blog - I'll try to hook hers onto mine. She's already done it but she's a teenager, she's supposed to computer literate!!

Here's to Jake's health - may he be up and running soon!

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