Thursday, April 12, 2007

Just Cause

Yesterday started out fabulous!!! News from the family that a well fought battle with cancer was being won "significantly" - Hallelujah!!

Then an email from Jake's teacher. My little man is continuing to have problems adjusting. Sigh. Walking a line between slapping him upside the head (okay, not really but in my imagination!) and just wanting to hold him is slightly exhausting. I've already told him that having hissy fits is unacceptable. He's having a hard time controlling his temper though has thus far remained non-violent, just meltdowns. John and I are going to meet up with his teacher tomorrow.

So when a friend of mine was having a rough morning and suggested a stiff drink would help, I jumped on that band wagon! We had lunch with a beer. Not the other way around if you catch my drift. Actually, we ordered two appetizers with our salad bar lunches - not recognizing what the appetizers really were. We received a skewer of mozzarella cubes wrapped in bacon and a plate of fried fat with sauteed liver. Oh yum. Can you guess which one we skipped? We then shopped some of the mall and had a makeover at Mac's...that was awesome!

Lisette went to my hairdresser's in the evening and now she looks even more mahvelouser than me! But then, she always has!

Love and Kisses!


patsyrose said...

Don't worry about Jake. He's an exuberant little boy but he's so darned smart that he'll realize quickly there are rules that have to be followed. Just be firm.

patsyrose said...

Just an afterthought...get to the bottom of what's causing the meltdowns.

Shelley said...

He's losing his temper so easily - he just starts shaking with extreme that's odd, even for him. The biggest reason for meeting with his teacher (I'm assuming the counselor - her husband - will be there too) is to gather "tools" to help him with this.