Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Mellow Mellow Mellow

That's what I feel. Yesterday I met John downtown and we went with Mary to Chinatown for lunch. I was so excited about finally getting back to my favourite, fabulous Chinese restaurant and it was closed (Mondays!) so we settled for another. Not anywhere near as good but it was a nice lunch with fun conversation.

Last night I house hunted some more. Went to bed with a good book.

John slept in this morning and held me hostage with his cuddles (Ahhhhh!) as he's sick. I didn't want to disturb his slumber so I contemplated my mental list for about an hour before I couldn't stay still any longer!

Did more house hunting (can you say "Driven"?) most of the afternoon after John worked on our lame internet connection. I'm also really enjoying the book I'm reading..."A Thousand Splendid Suns" and spent plenty of time reading it today while John cursed at Fibertel.

Lilian made us a wonderful dinner - lomo (beef) with onions and peppers, curried rice and fried potatoes. No, not so dietetic but delicious!!!

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