Tuesday, September 4, 2007


It was dentist day around here but that didn't start until the afternoon.

This morning the kids' bus broke down so I took them to school. Good way to get moving in the morning. The bus did finally show and the poor bus monitor was stressed completely out. I smiled and told her I'd taken the kids to school already but she was too upset to react much, just hurried back to the bus. Poor thing!

Then I took a needless drive to the doctor's for my "refund" - seems she gave it to a friend of mine yesterday to deliver to me. Ooops. Found an email sent from said friend this morning, after I'd already left for the doc's. She and I finally connected this afternoon.

I had a remise (taxi) come take me to my dentist appointment, it's in a very congested part of town - hard to find parking for our bohemeth vehicle. I arrived half an hour early but didn't get seen for almost an hour. Had a headache the whole time too. Not a good time. Thankfully the dentist is a sweetheart and it was all done within 20-25 minutes. No cavities per usual!

John picked me up with his remise on the way home from school. We stopped for a quick lunch then home to start the afternoon insanity.

I dropped John and the girls off at their dentist (closer to home) then headed to the bank ATM. From there, I picked up Jake and his friend from tennis - brought his friend home then took Jake to the dentist. Dropped him with Nicole and the front door before taking off to the grocery store - figured I may as well do something as parking was horrible around the dental office.

The timing was excellent as all was basically done by the time I came back from the grocery store and John arrived outside with the kids a couple of minutes after I pulled up.

Dropped off the kids, put away the groceries and we were back to the party hall to finalize more of the arrangements for the Quince. At this point, it was determined that a glass of wine was needed to take the edge off of the day. Dinner was delicious! The wine was even better.

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