Saturday, October 27, 2007


I'm up at 7 AM on a Saturday. Definitely not typical Shelley behaviour! Jake has a friend over and that means Jake had questions at 6:30 AM. Once I'm woken up I have a horrible time falling back asleep. So here I am. However, the sun is shining and the boys are now up in the attic so it's nice and quiet and pretty around here!!

Lilian got worse yesterday so I was sans a maid. I just hope her husband and her little guy escape the wrath of this bug!

Jake was up yesterday morning, tapping me on the shoulder at some God-awful hour because he had a bad nosebleed. I came downstairs and put some ice on the back of his neck (causes a vagal response that stops the bleeding within seconds!) and helped him clean up the amazing amount of blood he loses with these things.

I stayed home yesterday and cleaned the house. John went to the Embassy to get some paperwork done. Mary came over with the boys (mine included) after school and we finally had the time to chat and catch up! Beer was included in our "Mommy time" - we finished off the last bottle of beer Juan and Carmen had grown fond of down here. Good excuse, right? She stuck around with her boys for Chinese food delivery dinner then took little Thaddeus home and let us keep her Jake for the night.

Bedtime for me was right after I tucked the boys in. Unfortunately, John had told them they could stay up until midnight so it was a late night for me too. I managed to convince them to get to bed closer to 11:30 so it wasn't too bad!!

Have a beautiful Saturday!!

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