Sunday, July 29, 2007

Happy Birthday Nicole!!!!

Our baby girl turned 15 today!! She is the most wonderful, amazing, brilliant, beautiful 15 yr. old on the planet...and I'm not even biased! :-)

Last night I had dinner with the ladies in my family - we were just missing my girls to make the circle complete... :-( We laughed so much I'm sure we annoyed the other tables but it was worth it to see Kim smile.

Today was a little more running around then I dropped by the hospital to see David. He hasn't changed much and unfortunately wasn't alert enough for me to say "Hi!!!" but I got to stroke his cheek and chat with his parents a bit. His (very tough) mom was brought to tears as Cindy and I left - she wanted to express her appreciation of how close us sisters are to each other. My stomach hurts right now just thinking of the pain in her face. All I could think to say was "Family is what matters" - and it's true.

I talked to my birthday girl - they went snowboarding today!!! How cool is that?? She was sounding like a happy camper and it made my heart hurt...but I've already covered that. :-)
Jake had an early wipeout but managed to rebound beautifully! According to both John and Nicole, Jake's quite the "boarder" now! Go Jake!

So, one last time for today -




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