Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Another Day, Another Coffee

I first noticed the sound of running water when I was putting makeup on in our bathroom. It was coming from outside the window. I headed downstairs and outside to check on it and found the rooftop water tank was overflowing! Ahhhh! I flipped some water pump/valves to stop it and successfully halted the gushing at least. Long, drawn-out story short - we are dry. Seems we might still be having some water pressure issues upstairs but we no longer need a water collecting bucket indoors.

Juan, Carmen and I walked down to a cafe to enjoy excellent Argentinean coffee and medialunas. I really am blessed with terrific in laws! Carmen is also feeling under the weather so she had a nap when we got back and I headed into the city. I met up with John at the Embassy, paid some bills and picked up mail.

We stopped and got much needed groceries on the way home. Picked up Nicole and Jake at school before finally pulling into the garage. I love it when multiple chores are completed in a relatively short period of time!

Dinner was chicken and sauteed veggies. Delicious bread from Carrefours (they had that store in Italy too!) and some corn-on-the-cob for Jake! We all crowded around the dining room table - I really, really need a bigger table. But it was fun!

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