Friday, May 4, 2007

Flu Bug

It's been rumoured to be going around. My Spanish teacher was down with the flu earlier this week. Now it was my turn.

I was all dressed and ready to go yesterday morning. Places to go, things to do, people to see. Then my tummy reported a wee bit of trouble. Then my tummy reported a whole heck of a lot of trouble. Eventually I spent a few hours in bed.

Feeling all better now! So far, no one else in the family has had bad reports from their tummies. John left early this morning...I think to get away from potential tummy issues though he said it was to get some cramming in before his test today.

Nicole had asked me to French braid her hair this morning so I dragged my well-rested (thanks to that nap) butt out of bed early to braid her hair. There was a horrendous thunderstorm going on at the time too. Poor Buddy stayed close by while I worked on Nicole's head.

Now I have the house to myself...except for Buddy of course. He's lying on the other side of the desk, never far away!

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